Dear Brockington Families,
The safety of our students is our top priority at Brockington. We constantly strive to provide the safestenvironment possible. To this end, we ask that you adhere to the following traffic guidelines.
Traffic on Brockington Road will be one way from 7:00 to 8 am. Please enter the school via Hwy 401 to Indian Branch Road to W. McIver Road to Brockington Road.
- Please enter the first drive and loop around to the sidewalks
- Cars should pull up to where the side walks ends (at the school mailbox).
- When the car line stops, all students should get out, move to the side walks and walk to the building. Please have your student ready to get out when the line stops. When this group of students has exited the cars, the cars should stay in line and move forward to exit allowing the next group of cars to pull up.
Students are to exit their cars anywhere there is a sidewalk.
- Please do not pull out of line or double park. This causes students to have to go between and in front of cars.
- If your student needs an item from the trunk or back seat, please pull into visitor parking space located in front of the school. This will help keep the traffic flowing. Please avoid parking in the staff parking lot located in the bus/car line.
- Occasionally, we all run late, but make every effort to give yourself enough time in the morning. The first bell rings at 7:40 and the tardy bell rings at 7:50.
Traffic on Brockington Road will be one way from 2:00 to 3:00 pm. Please enter the school via Hwy 401 to Indian Branch Road to W. McIver Road to Brockington Road.
- Cars will line up on the shoulder of Brockington Road until all buses have left the lot.
- Have your name plate in your front window.
- A staff member will announce your child's name via radio to a staff member waiting with car riders. Your child will be assigned a zone to walk to and wait for you to pull up.
- Please pull up to the zone where your child is waiting.
- As cars receive their students, they should stay in line and move forward to exit.
- Cars are not to be left unattended. If you must leave your car and come inside, please pull into a visitor parking space located at the front of the school.
- Car riders are dismissed at 2:30 pm.
- At no time, should parents park in staff parking located in the bus/car line.